Local News
Bismarck getting new water rate structure

Bismarck, North Dakota – Bismarck residents will soon have a new water rate structure. The City Commission voted to implement a four-tiered structure for single-family homes and raise the minimum costs.
One unit of water currently costs $1.51, but under the new system, it will cost $1.75. The existing rate begins to rise in price at five units, whereas the new formula will keep it constant from one to eight units. Nine to sixteen units will be charged $4.79 each. The cost of 17-24 units is $6.16 per unit, and those exceeding 24 units are $7.86 per unit.
“And then 95% of our bills through all 12 months are at 23 units and less, so we only have five percent of our bills over 24 units,” said Michelle Klose, city of Bismarck utility operations director.
The new sewer and water rates will go into effect in May.