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North Dakota University accepts applications for new president
Fargo, North Dakota – The North Dakota University has announced that it is accepting applications and nominations for the position of 15th president of North Dakota State University.
The State Board of Higher Education and the NDSU Search Committee are looking for a visionary, goal-oriented leader to lead the university forward. They want someone who can bring people together while still being politically astute and entrepreneurial. This person must be a visible and approachable leader.
Jill Louters, vice chair of the State Board of Higher Education, and Greg Lardy, NDSU’s vice president for agricultural affairs, are co-chairs of the NDSU Presidential Search Committee.
“It is clear that the new president is expected to be a committed advocate, positively representing all aspects of the NDSU campus community. The new president will continue to strengthen partnerships and collaborate effectively for the well-being of the university, the University System, the State Board of Higher Education, the greater Fargo community, and the state of North Dakota,” Lardy said after listening sessions involving the NDSU community, staff, students and faculty.
“Another key aspect for the new president will be to manage diverse relationships, build consensus, and practice unquestionable integrity to maintain NDSU’s traditions and environment,” Dr. Louters said.
The deadline for applications is November 22nd.
Click here for more information on the search process, the advertisement, and other related topics.