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Burgum proposes a disaster declaration due to flood damage costing ND highways millions of dollars



Bismarck, North Dakota – Roads and other public infrastructure in North Dakota have sustained damages totaling $5 million as a result of spring flooding.

Following the issuance of an executive order in April establishing a statewide flood emergency, Governor Doug Burgum asked for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration. In order to request the major disaster from April 10 to May 6 for counties throughout the state, including Grand Forks, Ransom, Richland, LaMoure, Pembina, Steele, and others, he sent a letter to President Biden through (FEMA).

The funding would assist counties, townships, and cities in paying for the upkeep of flooded-damaged roads and other infrastructure.

To assist municipalities in paying for flood mitigation initiatives, Burgum is also looking to implement the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program on a state-wide scale.

