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Attorney General Wrigley of North Dakota attributes a significant rise in violent crimes in 2022 to drug trafficking and early release

Fargo, North Dakota – State Attorney General Drew Wrigley is pointing to factors he says contributed to a sharp rise in violent crime in North Dakota in 2022.
“A lot of it is being driven by the drug trafficking trade. A lot of it is being driven by that, and a lot of it I believe is being driven by, we’re letting violent criminals out of prison too quickly. We’re letting them out early on parole. They’re going out and they’re recidivating. They’re committing those offenses again. I don’t think we’re getting long enough sentences when it comes to violent criminals,” said Wrigley.
Wrigley claims that between 2021 and 2022, the rate of murder grew by 76%, of negligent manslaughter by 36%, kidnapping by 30%, and rapes by 11%.
“We here at unity would have to alter our strategy on how do we continue to provide care in those communities that now no longer have a facility,” Amox said.
Johnson claims that the number of Medicare enrollees a rural hospital serves is the only factor determining the amount of reimbursement it will receive. He predicts that not all facilities will make use of the federal cash that is available.