Local News
Tioga evacuates due to a grenade

Tioga, North Dakota – A resident brought a training grenade to the Tioga Police Department on Monday afternoon so that it could be destroyed, prompting the temporary evacuation of both the department and a local pizza restaurant.
The person arrived at the station at around 4:15 p.m. with the intention of turning in the grenade, according to a Tioga Police report.
The grenade in the citizen’s car appeared to have an unbroken fuse, but it was lacking a few safety elements, according to the officers.
In an effort to contain it in case of detonation, investigators placed the grenade in the department’s sallyport, an enclosed space where those who have been detained are booked into jail and where firearms are secured.
As a precaution, the department and Pizza Pie on the Fly were shut down, and cars and people were removed from the streets in front of and behind the department.
The Minot Bomb Squad seized the device for disposal after determining it did not pose a risk to the public’s safety.