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North Dakota

For its 150th anniversary, Bismarck buried a time capsule



Bismarck, North Dakota – By burying a time capsule, the city of Bismarck is extending its 150th-anniversary celebration.

The time capsule was developed, built, and investigated by two BPS Career Academy students. Memorabilia from the city’s 150th-anniversary celebration, including messages and a flag, will be placed inside the time capsule.

“This time capsule is an 18 by 18 by 18-inch cube. Made out of stainless steel and its contents will be items that were collected over the last year, that were created in support for the sesquicentennial, for example, the flag that is behind, we got letters from Washington dignitaries,” said Jason Tomanek, assistant city administrator.

On May 14 between 2 and 4 p.m., Camp Hancock will host the burial of the time capsule. When Bismarck hits 200 in 2072, it will be excavated and made public.

