Local News
West Fargo City Commission Approves Renewal of Neighborhood Revitalization Program

The West Fargo City Commission approved renewing the Neighborhood Revitalization Program during it’s April 5th meeting.
This program is a partnership between the City of West Fargo and Gate City Bank to offer low interest loans and technical assistance to homeowners making major home improvements. The loan options are a 10-year loan at a 2.25% interest rate and a 15-year loan at a 3% interest rate.
Homes located north of I-94 in West Fargo municipal boundaries are eligible to apply. Also, the value of the home must be less than $250,000, occupied by the owner, current on property taxes and special assessment payments and zoned properly. The minimum loan amount is $10,000 and the maximum loan amount is $75,000.
The program is available for improvements that address code and structural corrections, energy improvements and general property improvements. The project can include any of these options: foundation work, major exterior improvements, bedroom or living space addition, interior remodeling, replacement of major mechanical systems or conversion of a rental unit into an owner-occupied home.