Local News
North Dakota HHS recognizes area hospital for readiness in treating cardiac patients

Fargo, North Dakota – CHI Mercy Health Valley City has received special recognition from the State of North Dakota.
“We’re really looking at everything from the care they get prior to coming to the hospital either administered at home or in the ambulance. How we are assessing those patients and caring for those patients, and how we transfer those patients to another level of care if they need higher levels of care than we can provide here at our facility,” said hospital President Ryan Fowler.
According to Fowler, the hospital has been designated as North Dakota’s first acute cardiac-ready hospital. He claims that because of this distinction, the hospital is able to treat patients who are having cardiac events like heart attacks in the best way possible.
According to Fowler, coordination between dispatch, ambulance workers, and hospital staff ensures a prompt and efficient response.
“It’s really a community effort between ourselves, dispatch, Barnes County Ambulance, to make sure the patients get the best care they possibly can in these really time-sensitive situations,” said Fowler.
The North Dakota Health and Human Services Emergency Medical Systems Unit bestows accolades on the facility.