North Dakota
ND Presidential Electors vote for President Donald Trump
Nationwide, 538 members of the Electoral College are casting their votes on Dec. 14, with states reflecting the outcome of the general election giving Joe Biden 306 electoral votes.
Required by law, North Dakota’s Presidential Electors cast their votes as well.
All three Electors chose President Donald Trump, which reflected the same choice as about 65% of North Dakota voters.
Since the majority of our state’s voters cast their ballot for Trump, three Republican Electors were chosen: Sandy Boehler of Fargo, Robert Wefald of Bismarck, and Ray Holmberg of Grand Forks.
Holmberg recently tested positive for COVID-19 and is quarantining, so John Trandem of Fargo was next in line.
“When I got the news I immediately let my wife know and told her I was going to be gone on Monday. I said it was an opportunity I absolutely wouldn’t want to miss,” said 2020 North Dakota Presidential Elector John Trandem.
Trandem said he was fourth in line to be one of the Electors.
He said he doesn’t believe it’s common practice for an Elector to recuse themselves and the next in line has to step up.
Secretary of State Al Jaeger, R-N.D., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., led the meeting of North Dakota’s Presidential Electors.
Although there’s still lawsuits pending in the courts regarding allegations of voter fraud by President Donald Trump, Burgum thanked election workers in North Dakota saying, “this year we can be proud that North Dakota held effective and secure elections with no controversy whatsoever.”