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More than 20,000 gift cards were distributed as part of Burgum’s effort to solicit donations for the presidency
Bismarck, North Dakota – More than 20,000 gift cards will shortly be distributed, according to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota. This follows earlier this week’s announcement that he will provide $20 gift cards to 50,000 donors.
Burgum is working to meet the threshold of 40,000 distinct donors needed to participate in the August Republican Presidential Primary Debate. A gift card, dubbed the “Bidenflation Relief Card,” is available to everyone who donates $1 or more.
By the weekend, according to a Burgum official, they might collect the maximum amount.
Burgum will also need to poll at least 1% in other polls in addition to the donors.
According to a spokeswoman, Burgum is certain that he will take the stage.
August 24 is the date of the opening discussion.