North Dakota
Legion baseball season cancelled in North Dakota
The upcoming North Dakota Legion baseball season has been cancelled as of Thursday night.
A memo was sent out to the American Legion Department Commanders and Adjutants on March 22 and stated:
“Your National American Legion Baseball Committee continues monitoring COVID-19 developments through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the COVID-19 updates from National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford at We are committed to communicating with you on a consistent basis and provide you with additional information as it becomes available.
We realize this pandemic results in all of us taking concerted steps and making important decisions regarding the 2020 baseball season. For now, we ask you to review the guidelines, restrictions and regulations established by local, state and federal governments to ensure doing whatever is required for the safety and well-being of everyone involved. The more prepared we are moving into this 2020 program season, the better we are in the face of all possible contingencies.
As this point, based on known school districts, local, state and federal restrictions and regulations, the American Legion Baseball Committee strongly encourages and recommends that departments suspend all baseball activities (team meetings, tryouts, practices, etc.) until all restrictions have been lifted. This recommendation has the endorsement of the national Americanism Commission.”
The American Legion World Series is still scheduled to take place August 13-18 in Shelby, North Carolina.
Fargo Post 2 won the Central Plains Regional and finished runner-up at the American Legion World Series last year.
76 teams field legion baseball teams from Class B, Class A and Class AA in North Dakota.