Local News
Hope Inc. hosts Wheelchair Basketball
Fargo, North Dakota – Family-friendly athletic and recreational options are vital to children’s and adults’ health and development, and Fargo-Moorhead’s Hope Inc. provides them.
Executive Director Bill Grommesh said, “You know when Hope Inc. started we had 5 kids in the program and we’ve grown to over 250 and we pull them in from a wide range. You know we have folks coming from Cavalier, from Monticello, from Jamestown, all over and it’s a great feeling to know we’re positively impacting them and hope Inc really is a community among itself it’s a great support system. ”
In order to provide access to all children, regardless of their physical capabilities, Hope Inc. was established in 2006.
Athlete Danny Isaac said, “I think just a huge part of my upbringing was coming here to hope and playing and just being able to have that type of community here and the friends I’ve met and people in a similar situation as me that enjoy things I enjoy that was so awesome.”
Baseball, taekwondo, downhill skiing, sled hockey, and other sports are also held at the nonprofit.
“There’s just something about finding somebody that has lived a similar life as you that you can just connect really quickly with and that was awesome. I’ve made some really great friends here at hope because of that,” Said Isaac.
Visit Hope Inc.’s website if you’re interested in participating in any of their programs. You are all welcome.