Local News
Fargo Police to Conduct Grant-Funded Distracted Driving Enforcement in April

(Fargo, ND) — Another step in the fight against distracted driving in our area.
The Fargo Police Department says they will conduct grant-funded distracted driving enforcement throughout the month of April for Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
In The City of Fargo, prohibited use of a wireless device and distracted driving carries a $200 fine. Drivers under the age of 18 are prohibited from using any electronic communications devices including cell phones. A violation carries a $20 fine and up to four points on a recipient’s driving record.
The Fargo Police Department is encouraging motorists to avoid distraction while driving with these five tips from the North Dakota Department of Transportation’s Vision Zero strategy:
1. Silence your cell phone and turn off the vibration mechanism and notifications. The less you hear your phone, the less tempted you will be to respond while driving.
2. Designate a texter. Ask your passenger to handle tasks such as texting, place a call or reprogramming your GPS.
3. Ask family, friends and colleagues to respect your drive. Set cell phone boundaries and politely ask them not to contact you during the hours of your commute.
4. Place your phone in the glove compartment or trunk.
5. Download a distraction-free app on your mobile device.