Local News
Fargo Cass Public Health to host Back-to-School Immunization Clinics

Fargo, North Dakota – A local public health organization is sending out a reminder to parents, guardians, and other interested residents about the need of being vaccinated before the start of the school year.
Back-to-School Immunization Clinics are being offered by Fargo Cass Public Health in preparation for the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year. On Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th of August, the clinics will be held at the primary FCPH building, which is located at 1240 25th Street South in Fargo. Customers who arrive by foot are also welcome.
“On-time immunizations are essential in protecting your child and family members from a number of serious diseases including measles, meningitis, and whooping cough,” said Kris Hayes, the FCPH Immunization Coordinator, who says non-Cass County residents can also receive vaccinations at the clinics.
Before beginning kindergarten, it is strongly recommended that children get inoculated against…
• Chickenpox
• Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP)
• Hepatitis B
• Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
• Polio
Children and adolescents are strongly urged to have vaccinations against… before to starting the seventh grade.
• Bacterial Meningitis
• Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
A second dose of the meningitis vaccine is typically advised for adolescents before they begin their junior year of high school.
Prior to the vaccination event, parents are strongly recommended to contact their health insurance provider in order to verify that their plans will cover the vaccines that will be provided by Fargo Cass Public Health.