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A group in Wishek recreates the Pony Express, traveling from Bismarck to Wishek



Bismarck, North Dakota – On Sunday, a group of roughly 30 riders from Wishek gained a fresh appreciation for the USPS.

On Sunday, a group of riders from Wishek recreated the Pony Express by riding a letter from the governor to the town’s mayor. by 7:30 a.m., the riders departed from the Bismarck Capitol Grounds, and they reached Wishek by 5:30 p.m.

“That’s a full day of riding. We were very impressed with ourselves and the time that we did. Basically, we were about an hour and a half earlier than what we were expecting. So, as far as delivering the mail, we were ahead of schedule,” said David Just, Pony Express organizer.

Wishek celebrates its 125th birthday this year. On Sunday, 36 cyclists went 96 miles, pausing every two miles to swap off. When they arrived in town, about 50 people greeted them with a party.

